Mindful Monday

Welcome to my new series Mindful Monday. Each week (hopefully!) I'll be posting a few of my favorite pieces of inspiration for living more simply and mindfully. 

This article on Wandering Wellness brought tears to my eyes. So beautiful and so much perspective. Love that she shares tips to practice each day. 

Excited to start this new Monday morning ritual with Liam. Best part - most of the practices are only 15 minutes (perfect for a toddlers short attention span!)

I had no idea this existed - makes it so much easier to get my daily dose!  

Something kinda crazy that I swear by.

Looking to embrace more minimalism in your life? Here's A good place to start

1 comment

Hello, Monday! Thank you- great links.

Chels | http://www.nootropedia.com

Chelsea February 01, 2019

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